Thursday, June 30, 2011

So it's goodbye from him and it's goodbye from her, postscript from Oz and home

 We know that you have already seen some pictures from our Ningaloo Reef experience but not of the manta rays and fish that we saw when we were snorkelling. One of the team from the boat had a wonderful underwater camera and whilst helping and guiding us she also managed to take some pretty awesome shots. So apologies to Fogg but here they are..... The manta at the top is feeding, guiding the food, krill and plankton, into its mouth.
 In this photo the ray is being cleaned by small wrasse or cleaner fish. They were at a kind of fish spa where the rays come regularly to have dead skin and parasites removed by these tiny fish. Those of you who have had a fish foot spa will know what it feels like - kind of tickly but really pleasant!! These rays were quite large, the biggest we saw some 2-3 metres from wing tip to wing tip. Gentle giants who accepted our presence by completely ignoring us!

 On our second snorkel we had the chance to look at the reef and many of the fish that we had seen from the glass bottomed boat. These are staghorn corals with a range of fish that either feed on the coral or on other organisms living in and around it.

 One of our personal favourites was the parrot fish, so called because of its beak like mouth which it uses to bite off small pieces of coral.

 So now back to Fogg's photos, this one of Rommey Doug and Mary's new German Shepherd puppy. He was delightful if slightly over playful at times. He was teething and had a strong desire to chew anything that came his way, shoes, water bottles, ankles - you'll get the picture. Apparently the ear thing will sort itself out as he gets older!

 This was our third visit to Adelaide to stay with Doug and Mary in their lovely home high in the Adelaide


We were very tired by the time that we arrived but keen to see more of the area so headed off on two trips. The first to the Murray River, now fully in flood as was the surrounding hinterland. This is an important fruit and vine growing area - Penfolds, Banrock Station etc. No time for tasting unfortunately but we did purchase newly harvested navel oranges from this very colourful roadside store. The second into Adelaide and a trip on the revamped tram down to the coast. Also a chance to see the broad collection of art and craft at the Art Gallery of South Australia.

So, now we are home and already being asked 'where next?' Who knows, for now we have lots of pictures to sort and family and friends to catch up with. We have had a wonderful, amazing, awesome time. We have seen extraordinary places and met lots of interesting people and we hope that you have enjoyed experiencing some of that with us.

 So it's goodbye from Fogg ......
 .... and Phileas too.

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