Friday, June 10, 2011

A new take on P and F's extreme sports

 It's a done deal, when you are in Broome you have to take a camel ride on Cable Beach in the sunset!! Not to be outdone we girded our loins and climbed on board Alice. She is a very amiable camel but had a bit of an attitude, always trying to get to the front of the line!!
 We were not going up hill but the photos were taken by a passing nomad who obviously needs his eyes tested!!
Finally the sunset taken by Fogg from the camel's back!!! Broome is a lovely spot and has been an excellent place to stay while we prepared for our Kimberley adventure, described on our next blog

Best wishes

Phileas and Fogg

1 comment:

  1. Hello Intrepid Travellers,
    Just back to Perfidious Albion from la belle France. Really enjoyed your entire blog which I have just read through : superb pictures. Lovely one of you both on Alice, she is looking remarkably snooty considering the quality she is carrying.
    Am accompanying my granddaughter to Exeter Uni tomorrow for a day's visit. She has already been to Warwick. My little Frenchman is at home cultivating his garden.
    We enjoyed half-term with Nicole and family at the house in France where the boys, 14 & 9, built a log cabin in the woods and the men went for long cycle rides and picked cherries. We made 12 pots of cherry jam and I made clafoutis, yorkshire pud with cherries in, a local speciality and loved by my little Frenchman.
    Looking forward to reading more of your adventures; it is unreal, like reading a travel magazine.
    We spent a brilliant week in Western Ireland with 2 French friends and I have revised my ancient prejudices of the Irish and the country. Wonderful place, warm and friendly people.
    Love Jenny S
