Thursday, May 5, 2011

A miscellany of photos from Collingwood to Murchison

 Hi bloggers, we have such a range of pictures to show you that we thought that we would do just that with a short explanation of each one. The one above shows the coast near Farewell Spit at a very low tide in the mist and rain. The one below the road to a headland and beach that we were keen to visit, Wharariki Beach, but obviously could not!!
 It is the autumn here, although the locals are calling it the winter because the temperature has dropped to 16C!!! The colours of the imported trees are wonderful particularly set against the natives which tend to be evergreen. This view from our latest home, Greenhills, up in the hills above the small town of Murchison.
 As you can see - classic kiwi, very comfy - wood burning stove, proper cooker and a washing machine!! Bellbirds and fantails in the trees and total peace and quiet.
 However, we have realised that we need to be more spendthrift and so have downgraded our hire car to an old Bedford pickup truck that no-one seems to want.
 Phileas trying out the deck at a potential new bach, once used by a gold prospector.
 Back to reality! We are on the wonderful Buller River which winds its way down to the sea at Westport. We were hoping to do some gold panning yesterday but not able to so went for a wobbly walk instead. Phileas quite proud of herself as, having walked very sedately across the longest swing bridge in NZ she then had to walk back!! (Have just noticed the white knuckles!!!) For Fogg it was just a breeze!!
 We have seen a couple of these notices, very clever. Just before a tricky bit of road (uphill, bendy, narrow) the cyclist punches the button when they pass and this activates a notice to drivers coming up behind that there is a cyclist up ahead - neat.
 We would like to introduce the Weka - a bird about the size of a small chicken and in poor light could be mistaken for a kiwi. Vey cheeky at the carpark, trying to get into the car to look for food.
 Maybe this was Fogg's white knuckle ride, don't panic Phileas took the photo and very proud of it she is, through the windscreen whilst moving!!
So that's all folks. We have lovely weather today so plan a quiet day catching up on domestics and correspondence. Off to a favourite place tomorrow - Kaikora, whales, albatross and crayfish!!

Best wishes

Phileas and Fogg

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