Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sun, RAIN............... sun!!

 We do not wish to bore our readers with the weather but it has had a significant impact particularly on our journey to Kaikoura from Murchison. This first photo was taken whilst we were walking through a beautiful piece of forest in the hills above Murchison and as you can see the sun was shining!
 But the iconic journey through the Lewis Pass, and one which Phileas had particularly been looking forward to, was completely shrouded in rain, mist and cloud. Fogg found it very interesting, hence the photos but it did prevent us from enjoying 'the view'. Nonetheless it was a wonderful drive and we ate our picnic behind this very wet windscreen!! Which for some reason seems to be at the bottom of this blog!!
 But we woke on Sunday morning to a gloriously sunny day in this very lovely holiday home where Phileas can be seen planning their next adventures / doing the sudoku / not drinking wine but eating rather fab NZ new season apple!
 The next 2 photos show the view from our bed!! Couldn't quite fit the mountains in so they appear in next photo!!

 This is the view we see when we open the curtains in the morning and we enjoy it throughout the day for lunch, pre prandials etc! The mountains are part of the Seaward Kaikoura Range and in places are snow capped - magic!
 Previous readers will know of our love of Kaikoura from our previous visit. It has everything - beach, mountains, seafood and a local winery plus whales and albatross. We have stayed on land this time, taking a wonderful walk yesterday along the cliff top where we watched albatross doing what they do best - gliding apparently effortlessly across the surface of the water. We also revisited Seal Point, where at low tide it is possible to walk out over a 'beach' of rock and pools to watch the waves, seals and the awesome forests of kelp.

 The afternoon ended with an ice cream - holey pokey for P, rum and raisin for F sitting on the beach .... heaven!!
So from a sunny Kaikora, best wishes from us both

Phileas and Fogg

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