Friday, April 1, 2011

Dinner with Ladies of a Certain Age

This is a post from Phileas but thanks to Fogg for taking the photo and acting as chauffeur. We are a group of colleagues, some retired and some still at the chalk face, who meet regularly for dinner. We have been doing this for nearly 10 years and the evenings are always noisy and happy and filled with good conversation. Thank you to all my friends, I do hope that you enjoy reading our blog and I look forward to catching up with you all on our return. Fogg has packed so not sure what he will be doing for the next 24 hours!! Finding things that he forgot!! I am listening to a lovely CD that he bought me on our first trip to NZ, catching up on my birdsong recognition!


  1. Hi,

    I have registered to follow your blog and I am posting a comment to check it works...

    Watch this space.

    Lovely picture from your evening out - I look forward to seeing those from your travels.

    Love Becky
