Sunday, April 10, 2011

Post without photos!

We are for some strange reason unable to upload our photos today. So we will just write a few words to tell you about our travels yesterday.After breakfast we headed out to New Plymouth to access internet and the Govett -Brewster Art Gallery. Then on to Surf Highway 45 which runs right round the coast and Mt Taranaki. We explored Lucy's Gulley where we walked through some beautiful native woodland. Then we picked up a couple of iconic beaches including Stent Road (so iconic it regularly loses its road sign) - right break, where we had lunch.
Back on the road we marvelled at the changing face of Taranaki and popped down to the coast again at Cape Egmont where we saw some excellent examples of lahars (boulders covered with lava from the volcano)
At Stratford we took a road which led up to East Egmont. The road rose higher and higher through native bush and the temperature fell and fell until we got to the end of the road. Taranaki was under cloud but from where we were the lower edge of the cloud was blue. Quite extraordinary and most unusual. We walked to the viewing platform where we had the most wonderful panorama across this part of NZ.

Pretty tired by the time that we got back and now pretty annoyed with myself that I have managed to compromise some of Fogg's photos while I was attempting to upload onto the blog.

He has forgiven me I think, so over to him

Phileas xx

Yes, I have ! Whilst Phileas has been typing this I checked my memory card and most of yesterdays photos have been wiped off so off to the camera shop to buy a memory stick and hopefully that will sort the problem.

So, we will be in touch again soon from Taupo.

Best wishes to all



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