Monday, April 11, 2011

Missing photos and our journey to Taupo

 Hi again. Phileas had a moment's inspiration and we have bought a memory stick and managed to re-claim our 'lost' photos. The above is in fact in Auckland. A scuplture of a Maori warrior which Fogg liked very much.
But now we are back on the road again and the following pics are what we tried to describe on our previous blog.
 We drove as far as is safe to do so to just below the snow line on Mt Taranaki. As we drove it got progressively colder but it was worth it. The colour of the clouds was a stunning blue, unlike anything we have seen before. All quite breathtaking!
 As you can see the colour in the cloud was 'reflected ' in the colours on the mountainside where great cracks had formed. The photo of course does not give any idea of the magnitude of it all but suffice it to say it was 'awesome' !!
 I think Phileas mentioned yesterday that these are called Lahars. Small mounds that are in fact created by lava solidified over boulders. There were hundreds of them scattered all over the place. This was the view from our bach in Inglewood.
 On our drive along the 'The Forgotten World Highway ' we came to Whangamomana which in 1989 declared itself an independent Republic because it did not like the town boundaries being shifted as it would mean they would have to play for a rival rugby team ! This is the hotel. ( Up for sale ) where 'passports' can be bought. For a town of 30 people they have a marvellous money making scheme.
 This drive was fantastic. Quite magical. Endless beauty with magnificent views in every direction. All quite breathtaking. The above is merely a snapshot.

Now in Taupo. This is our bach. Over to Phileas.  Best wishes . Fogg.  x

This is a beautiful place, Lake Taupo for the geographers was formed when the volcano erupted 26,500 yrs ago an explosion which completely overshadowed Krakatoa. The lake is beautiful as is the town and our bach is in a quiet suburb close to an 'English style pub'!!!! We are planning to explore locally today before heading to Rotarua tomorrow. We are blogging from an excellent internet cafe so should be able to post again before we leave the area.

Best wishes from us both


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