Thursday, April 7, 2011

On the road again in Raglan

 Greetings from Raglan. We are staying in this bach for a couple of days. As you can see from the photos small and simple but then look at the views that we have from the deck. We woke to a glorious but cold morning, sun shine deceptive we are wearing our warm tops!!
 It was not warm enough for a bbq last night but we did sit on the deck and watch the sun go down.
Then woke to this. We are now exploring Raglan, using the free library computer to blog. Later we will pack a picnic and head to the world famous surf beaches (one has a left hand break according to Fogg) and then visit the Bridal Veil Falls. More of those another day. I will hand over to Fogg now; love and best wishes Phileas.

Hi. It is all very beautiful here. Verdant valleys cascading down to the waters edge which is very reminicent of Trebah gardens in Cornwall. This town has Art Deco tendancys and I will attempt to capture that on other photos for future blogs. So, we are travelling again off to Mount Taranaki tomorrow to a small town called Inglewood. So, all good.

Very best wishes to you all.


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